What to bring
Photo ID
Social Security card or verification letter, or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) assignment letter, for all family members
Identity Protection Pin (IP PIN), if you have been issued one
Tax Documents
W-2 forms for all jobs worked
Form 1099-G for unemployment compensation and state or local tax refunds
Form W-2G and other
Form 1099 forms for other income in
Form 1099-R
Form 1099-NEC & Form 1099-MISC
Form 1099-INT, Form 1099-DIV & Form 1099-B
Form 1099-C (if you had debt discharged)
Child care provider name, address, and tax ID number, and amount paid for the year
Copy of last year’s federal tax returns (and state, if applicable)
Other applicable tax-related documents, such as: interest statements, federal loan documents, retirement statements, list of organizations to which you made charitable donations, etc.
Form 1098-E & Form 1098-T
Form 1098 Mortgage Interest Statement (for Homeowners)
Any letters, correspondence, or other documents sent to you by the IRS or your state tax administration
Forms 1095-A, B or C, Affordable Health Care Statements, or health insurance exemption certificates
Form 1099-SA & Form 1099-HSA
Things there may not be a specific tax form for
IRA Contributions Form 5498
Adoption costs—SSN of child, legal, medical, and transportation costs
Medical and dental expenses
Energy credits (for solar or other energy efficient improvements to your home)
Active Duty Military Members - Moving on orders
State and local income taxes paid
Personal property taxes—vehicle license fee based on value